Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Junk Mail Proof Letter Box and SingPost

Regarding the Junk Mail Proof Letter Box and SingPost. Town Council simply ask me to opt out (according to their reply to me). They are not going to stop SingPost.

According to ST reporter Irene Tham in her article "Locked out of Competition?", IDA replies "it is not an area that the IDA policies."

SingPost has a reply in Stomp. They are obligated to deliver "addressed or unaddressed."

So what is the result? No where to turn to.

Well in that case we should be obligated to return it via the "return mail" letter box as the junk mail is "wrongly addressed". Don't throw it away as it is deemed by SingPost as legitimate. If you throw it away you are unethical. You are throwing away an admail which is "not addressed to you" and which SingPost deemed it as legitimate "mail".

Since the admail is not addressed to you, it should be a wrong delivery as it is not addressed to you. You are, therefore, obligated to return the wrongly delivered mail to the sender via SingPost. In this way, you keep the lobby area of your HDB Block clean and did a good civil service. SingPost can't complain that you throw junks into the "return letter" letter box otherwise they slap themselves.

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