Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Simple thing can turn out to be complicated

Internet is a very interesting place. You have all kinds of web addresses. I was playing with a Firefox addon that blocks user defined web address. However, there is a problem with the definition list. The first item always show as blank. So, I added a dummy address ABC.COM. It worked for my purpose.

Later I was curious as to whether ABC.COM does exists. So I tried the address. It turned out that it was owned by ABC Network.

I then think why not use ABC123.COM. Surely not so coincidental right? It turned out that the address was owned by a "home improvement" company.

Getting curious, I tried 123ABC.COM. It turned out that Cpanel owns it.

I get frustrated, so I tried A1B2C3.COM. To my surprise, it is in use also. The web offers computer software downloads.

I am really amazed. Such a simple thing as finding a unused address can actually turn out to be four times unlucky.

A final note - don't try Some one hogs the address and offers it for sale too.

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