Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Why people acts strangely

The brain is a piece of organ that is still a scientist's treasure chest. They have yet to find the key to it. When people acts strangely, there are many reasons. However, the common thing among the people is that they all think that what they are doing are correct and that is the only thing that occupies their mind at the moment.

Certain emotions tends to occupy every thoughts while it occurs. Fear occurs when we faces danger, uncertainty. Whey you have fear, all your abilities tends to be forgotten. For example, some people are fearful of spiders, but they forget that using a finger, they could easily squash it.

Love is blind. This is a common occurrence. When you are in love you will ignore a lot of things that are wrong. That's why a lot of people wake up after they are married and realize that their partners are not what they are expected to be. Some parents loved their child so much that they ignore all the wrongs done by their children.

Anger often ends in violence. Cantonese has coined the term "火遮眼" to describe rage. You will stop reasoning when it occurs. In some courts, one can claim temporary insanity to avoid being jailed. It shows how uncontrollable rage is. One should always try to control it at all times.

Hatred is one subtle emotional feeling which is persistent and subtle. Some religion will advise you to forget hatred because hatred often lead to vengeance and ends up with violence.

Most people will be able to suppress such emotional upsurge in time. There are people who will never get out of it. Ignoring those who are biologically incapable, it is difficult to get out of this emotional spiral. Some people will end up in mental institutions others have to resort to taking medicine to suppress such emotion.

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